Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Evan Williams co-founder of twitter + blogger

I don't really use twitter. Just don't have enough to say that would warrant regular updates. But glad to see it is growing popular here. Wonder how many people in Ireland are using it?

Found this at the weekend on TED Talks - Evan Williams, co-founder of twitter (and founder of Blogger before that).

1 comment:

Nick McGivney said...

Heh, not having enough to say doesn't stop an awful lot of people from saying it anyway. It's still a useful tool I think, if you can stratify content into just literally twitterings and useful content. There's the rub, methinks. But I am beginning to sense its network tool applications. Have just tweeted and been told 9k last week. @irishblogs says it's tracking 13k and knows that ain't all. Going supernova.