Image courtesy of Irish Cancer Society & Daffodil day
Sitting in the shade last weekend, I watched a bit of the Dublin Women's Mini Marathon.
It is an impressive event, with about 40,000 women taking part. No doubt it generates a load of cash for charities. Initially I wondered if it would be more successful if it opened up participation to men also?
The answer is no.
By focusing on women, it gives the event focus. This is not just about running. It is about women getting together for a day out. And getting together beforehand to train. And raising money for good causes. Running is often considered a lonely sport. Not this. It is a very social occasion. Owned by women. It is about solidarity. This makes it much easier for the organisation managing it when it comes to promotion, fundraising, sponsors and the day itself.
I don't actually know their reasons for keeping it just to women, but it feels like a very successful excercise in focus.
I sincerely hate to typecast or generalise, but the majority of women taking part do it for the craic. Yes, you try to get a better time than last year, but if you end up waiting 15 minutes outside the school house pub while all your friends go in to pee - you still wait!
I have a feeling that if it were mixed it might get more competititive.
It is also such a powerful thing to own the city for the day. I will never forget my first one. And for many of the women (including me) it can be the first day out you have had for ages, particularly if you are member of the support group you are raising funds for.
hi Lisa, I'm sure you're right. The more competitive will keep their competitive spirit for a half marathon or the full marathon in Oct.
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