Was talking with Conor Byrne earlier and he was asking why rte.ie does not allow for comments?
I like that I can watch the Nine News online, and think some of the other features are ok too, but not having comments is a missed opportunity. Surely the online version of 'Questions & Answers' could allow for some questions?
RTE have an audience, but their online site is still one-way with no real engagement. I hope this kind of stuff is on the way. If it isn't, they might lose their audience to more progressive and interactive news / entertainment / sports / everything / sites...
What makes this even more interesting is that they started questions and answers with all the ways people can get in touch, give us your comments, text, email, call! They clearly strive for the interaction why are they missing out on this crucial element
Hi Paul
Nice to see you;ve joined the blogging bandwagon.
One word on comments and rte.ie - litigation.
They shit bricks of legal.
thanks S. Good to hear from you. Shame, as the site could be so much more interesting. I might wonder around other major publisher sites and see if they are opening up to comments.
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