Monday, March 17, 2008

One of my favourite ads last year

I read somewhere recently that as TV advertising comes under continued attack from digital marketing, now is the time for TV to really step up do what it can do best - deliver emotionally charged stories and messages. This must be one.


Unknown said...

Think it's BS that TV advertising is under attack from digital marketing. Ultimately an equilibrium will come about where advertising, digital marketing, PR, etc will find the right mix for each organisation. When it comes to video content what you're producing should be relevant no matter what medium it's broadcast on. Here's a good example of an ad which I think works on TV and YouTube:

Paul Dervan said...

Thanks Piaras for the comments. You're the first. I've just started the blog. I read your blog regularly.

And I agree with you on the mix. Not just a company's mix but consumers too. We're seeing evidence of people watching tv with laptops beside them (I can relate to this).

However, while "ads" as we know them, do work on youtube - the opportunities for digital is to do so much more. Digital marketing can't be just about finding an online space to view comms made for one-way communication medium (tv).

I also suspect we'll move from banner ads to 'blog-ads' allowing companies to talk directly with visitors without doing the creative-message dance.

Of course there will always be a place for emotionally charged stories and entertainment - like the statoil and make a wish ads.

Unknown said...

Banner ads - bleugh :) Yeah digital's an entirely new space, which organisations are finally dipping their toes into.

Very impressed with the blog, keep up the good work.